Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Mystery of God

Stop trying to figure out God. Why would you want to remove the mystery of the Almighty? Why would you want to shrink Him down to human size? To do so would leave you with no faith. If you view Him in human size, how much of His power has been removed from your faith?

He is God Almighty! He is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. He is too big for human minds to comprehend.

Just believe, trust, and ask for what you need. Rest in Him. HE is our strength; our hope; our joy; our peace.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Sickness in the Body... of Christ!?

Sunday, Jan 4, 2010... (Lisa C. Hill)

WE ARE the body of Christ. Ther is sickness in our/His body. How can this be? Sickness has NO RIGHT to be in the body of Christ... (His Body!) THE BODY has been in disagreement with The Head. There's been a disconnect. WE (The Body) must come into agreement with God.

Stop focusing on the media; the government; and your problems. SHIFT your focus! Let God take control of your thoughts, then speak the Word He gives you. He has a personal word for each of us. When you hear Your Promise; Your own personal, HUGE vision and all of His promises, let hope take root and begin to grow.

NO LOOKING BACK! The past is the past. Start believing His truth. There's a refreshing wind blowing Right Now! It's bringing health and wholeness to His Body. His body CANNOT be sick any longer. The time is NOW! The refreshing wind is blowing. Revival is coming. It's time for His pure, spotless Bride to come forth. The Head controls the body; not the other way around. We've tried to take control. No more!

Face forward. The past is behind. It's time for the Body and the Head to become unified and whole. He is restoring the years that the moths and locusts have eaten! WE are HIS body! And His body is being set free and healed, NOW! Grab hold of it NOW! Be like the Willow Tree; planted by streams of Living Water; that brings forth fruit in it's season... The NOW season.

The pruning process has been done (2009). It's now time to grow and flourish. God is NOW healing His body. The Head controls the body. No more disconnect. Get connected! Plug in. And be healed.